The active substances in this group are 1- Lambda-Cyhalothrin
It is sold commercially under the following names:
(Plusar-Agrestar-Top Star-Effect Power-Acton-Exxon-Kendo-Lemba Val-Lemba Super-Lemba Star-New Power)
Movement of the pesticide inside the plant (non-motile works by contact)
Usage: It is used to control the following pests:
Whitefly - Aphid - Thrips - Spiny bollworm - Cotton leafworm. It is also used to combat public health pests such as (mosquitoes - cockroaches - ants).
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2- Deltamethrin
It is sold commercially under the following names:
Movement of the pesticide inside the plant (non-motile works by contact)
-the use :
Whitefly - Cotton Leafworm - Spiny bollworm and Carnation
Public health pests (house flies - cockroaches - mosquitoes -
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It is sold commercially as:
- Nasr Thrain)
The movement of the pesticide inside the plant (non-motile works by contact)
the use
Aphids - thrips - whitefly - corn stalk borer
It can also be used to combat public health pests
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It is sold commercially as:
(Alpha Z-Alpha Cyber-Alpha Stain-Bestox-Super Alpha-Sigrun-)
Movement of the pesticide within the plant: (non-motile works by contact)
the use :
Tomato fruit worm - spiny bollworm and carnation
The cucurbit fly - the aphid - the white fly - the cotton leaf worm
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It is sold commercially as (Boldoc-Domanite).
The movement of the pesticide inside the plant (non-motile works by contact)
the use
Contact insecticide is also one of the most powerful pesticides in this group
And from personal experience I used it successfully in combat
Whitefly - green bug - cotton leaf worm
But he doesn't use it for what lives on me
Because it stings in the face more than the lambda
A fire in the wall until the beginning of the dawn
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6- Fenvalerate
A widely used insecticide that is successfully used in the control of insect pests on crops and fruits
Such as aphids - scale insects - mealybugs -
It is also one of the strongest pesticides in my experience in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It gives excellent results in combating aphids and thrips on wheat, barley and alfalfa.
But it is not available in Egypt
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Insecticide that affects contact is used to control the following pests
Cotton leaf worm - Aphid - Thrips
Public health pests (house flies - mosquitoes - cockroaches -
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It is effective in controlling house flies
Not agriculturally registered in Egypt
The mechanism of action of the compounds of this group on insects:
The compounds of this group open sodium channels in the insect's nervous system.
Which eventually leads to the death of the insect
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Compounds that can be mixed with the pyrethroid group
The compounds of this group can be mixed to give a higher result with the following compounds:
1- It can be mixed with phosphorous pesticides such as (chloropyrifos - malathion - dimethoate - fenthioate - profenofos)
When mixed with these pesticides, it gave higher results in controlling insect pests
There are many pesticides in the local market that combine the two substances with them, especially
Chloropyrifos + Cypermethrin.
2- It can be mixed with a substance (Abamectin)
This is to combat the red spider and give very good results from personal experience.
3- It can be mixed with (- imidacloprid- acetamiprid- thiamethoxam)
In order to combat the white fly - and tunnel makers - aphids.
4- It can be mixed with methionyl.
So as to combat
Cotton leaf worm - piercing in maize - tomato fruit worm -
Also from personal experience that gives very high results.
Contraindications to mixing pyrethroid pesticides
The pesticides of this group cannot be mixed with endoxacarb
This is because her action is the opposite of the action of this article